D-HEER Resource Submission

The resources available on the site are meant to help foster health equity education and assist health professionals in their work to better serve people and authentically address their needs. Each resource goes through a review process led by D-HEER’s Advisory Committee and is selected based on the following criteria:

  • The resource has been recommended for inclusion by two of three reviewers based on selection criteria established by the D-HEER Advisory Committee. 

  • The resource offers information related to the U.S., African Americans, medical care, health outcomes, historical impacts, social injustice, racism and health, health inequities, public health and/or social determinants of health. 

  • The resource raises awareness of health inequities in several domains of life to promote the understanding of racism and strategies to improve health equity. 

  • The resource promotes action, individual transformation, structural change within an organization, influences leadership, changes organizational or cultural norms, or influences policy at the local, state, or national level.

Offering relevant resources is a vital aspect of the network. In order to continue to provide relevant and timely information, we encourage you to submit potential resources for review and inclusion by completing the Resource Submission Form. Your participation will help us to grow and expand the website in response to your needs and ensure that it acts as the “go-to” network in southeast Michigan for health equity related information.